Actress linked to the theater section of "Casal de Sant Pere" who had played in several radio plays with Radio Theater Voices Company in the late 1980's. At the same time, she started in the broadcasting world with the speech on Matadepera Radio programs. This experience encouraged her career in this field, and later she has been worked in various stations as first level like Cadena 100, Radio Flaixbac or iCat FM, one of the stations CCRTV.
Earlier Radio Theater plays, issued at the early 1920's, were theater scripts played on a conventional stage inwhichsuperimposedthe voiceof a narratorexplaining on radio all that was notappreciatedonly with theears.
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To simulate thesound effectticking ofa clock,we can achieveifwe rolla pencil between our handswith a ring onone finger.
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"TaxiKey", the popularradiodrama serieswhich starredRicardoPalmerolaand IsidreSola in Radio Barcelona,began airing in1948and wason the airuntil middle70's.
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To simulatethe sound effectofa showercan be achievedby slowly pouringa bag of riceina plastic container.
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In 1961, Spanish Radio and TV Gemeral Management Office thought that seven Lorca's scripts were 'not allowed for broadcasting' because its content and were forbiden until 1977. Some of those scripts were rhe three gold Lorca pieces: 'Yerma', 'Bodas de sangre' and 'La casa de Bernarda Alba'.
Did you know ...?
"The mousetrap", theater drama script by'Agatha Christie, was originally written as a radio theater script called 'Three blind mice' by herself in 1947, as a birthday gift fon Queen Mary Victory.
Did you know ...?
OrsonWellesfounded "The Mercury Theatre on theAir"in July1938, together with JohnHouseman, as a companyto playradio dramascriptswhich adapted by himself.
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