Back in the early days of Radio Theater Voices Company of the 1950's under the direction of Joan Llenas he was a regular in theater radio performances . In the second stage, in the late 1980's once again joined the cast of actors then led by Joan Garrigó, and he participated in several performances until the mid-1990's. The works represented in include "Don Jose, Pepe y Pepito" by Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, "Dotze homes sense pietat"" by Reginald Rose, or "Les vinyes del Priorat" by Josep Maria Sagarra.
Alongside his radio activity he also took part in theatrical performances on stage with lists of "Centre Social C,first, and with the theater group of "Casal de Sant Pere" afterwards.
Did you know ...?
To simulate the sound effect of a shower can be achieved by slowly pouring a bag of rice in a plastic container.