Joana Palau, actriu del Quadre de Veus de Radioteatre

Born in Torrefarera (Lleida) in 1931, where she was a child she intervened in their school recitals. The month of February 1949 she moved to the city of Terrassa, where it begins to intervene regularly in numerous theatrical performances in different entities. Between 1973 and 1976, she obtained the Diploma in Drama in the first class of "Institut del Teatre (Centre Comarcal Vallès Occidental)".

From her early years in Terrassa, she stand her interpretations in "Centre Aragonès" under the direction of Baldomero Dansa and Dionisio Bellostes between 1949 and 1951, the "Teatre Frontón Sol", directed by Jaume Font in 1952, at "Sagrada Familia", under the direction Jaume Font itself, plus Narcís Sala and Josep Salvador. It is also during this time, in 1953, when integrated into the theatrical cast of "Centre Social Catòlic", which is currently part yet, and which has been directed by Ermenter Cima, Joan Cardellach, Victor Turull, Jordi Massaguer, Antoni Monterde and John Abello, among others, including more than one hundred representations. Linked to this same entity, during 1974 and 1975 she becomes a member of the theater section, and in 1979 she was responsible for the comments section of the newsletter theatrical entity. She has also participated in various representations at entities of Rubí, such as "Casino Español" and "Teatre Domènech", "Teatro Romea" in Barcelona and the "Casal Català" in Madrid.

Apart from the regular activity in the "Centre Social Catòlic", she also was in different theatrical performances throughout Catalonia. They emphasize, for example, "L'oncle Vània" A Txehov, in a translation of Feliu Formosa and directed by Pau Monterde, that between 1978 and 1980, she was represented in many Catalan towns, as Terraassa, Mataró, Barcelona, ​​Caldes de Montbuí, Castellar del Vallés, Sant Pere de Ribes, Olesa de Montserrat, Reus and Girona.
In 2002 she takes part in the tribute to Joan Cardellach at "Centre Cultural" with the performance of the play "Distret però no tant" of Joaquim Puigbó.
In 2004 she participated in the representation of "Els fusells de la senyora Carrà" by Bertolt Brecht, directed by Oriol Broggi, represented in Barcelona and several Catalan towns.
Between 2007 and 2008 she involved again in the representation of "L'oncle Vània" by Txehov, this time directed by Oriol Broggi and represented in the National Library of Catalunya and High Season of "Teatre de Salt".

In her theatrical career highlights also the prize awarded in 1959 when she won First Prize in the theater "Festa" where she was awarded the Diploma of actress.

On the theatrical side, apart from her work as an actress, she has conducted also theatrical management tasks. Works highlight the address represented in the "Centre Social Catòlic" in 1981, 1990, 1991 and 2002, the stage direction at the "Escola Municipal de Música de Terrassa", in the performance of "El barret de cascavells" in 1983, and the interval between 1983 and 1985 when she was commissioned to the stage direction of the performance of "Llegenda de Sant Nicolau" by Irineu Segarra and Enric Balaguer in the "Escolania de Montserrat".

Besides theatrical activity since 1950 she has appeared in several short films directed by different directors, including highlighting by Jan Baca-Garriga.

As for radio plays, her participation goes back to the first stage of "Quadre de Veus de Radioteatre" between 1950 and 1957, when under the direction of Joan Llenas, first, and Ermenter Cima then involved three weekly radio drama programs . In the second stage, with the revival of the
"Quadre de Veus de Radioteatre"  she took part again in these representations from here in 1985 under the direction of Joan Garrigó. Currently she is still in "Quadre de Veus de Radioteatre" , which now issues its representations in 95.2, the Municipal Radio of Terrassa.

Maria in "El pati blau" by Santiago Rusiñol



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    Earlier Radio Theater plays, issued at the early 1920's, were theater scripts played on a conventional stage in which superimposed the voice of a narrator explaining on radio all that was not appreciated only with the ears .

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