Born in Terrassa in 1924, she began his career in radio in the 1940's. The first task was assigned him was to develop, with the help of a jukebox and a lot of patience, a catalog of songs that served as the theme music programs and atmosphere of drama and theater advertising spaces. This was a long and arduous work, and when you consider that the media of the time had nothing to do with the current, but came to make an extensive catalog of more than a thousand songs that were used for many years. After a short time, he also started in other areas, such as copywriting programs and scripts emissions records requested, or the presentation of various programs. Innovative ideas revolutionized the way of doing commercials, including ads for words to alternating blocks of music and words.

In 1947, he promoted the creation of a sardanas program named by "Contrapunt". This space of half an hour and was broadcast weekly with caràcter is made entirely in Spanish and translated, and even the titles of the Sardana, to obey the restrictions imposed by the political regime of period. He held up the management and development of the scripts of the first programs in 1200. Over time, "Contrapunt" become a benchmark in the field of Sardana, and become the longest program of the station, being on the air, uninterrupted, for 63 years, until the day of closing Radio Terrassa broadcasting, in January 2010.

Meanwhile, he was a regular with the theater group of the station in writing and adaptation of scripts and when was acting outside the studio and in front of people, assumed the job of artistic director who supported the direction of Joan Llenas.

The recognition of the work well done and the new ideas on media did in 1953, the then Director of Radio Terrassa, Francesc Montmany appointed him as Head of the station's programs, developed to work until 1955 when he left the position at radio to enter fully the advertising world.

Besides "Contrapunt", he wrote many scripts for radio. These include, for example, the series called "Terrassa, una ciudad en marcha" consisting of several stories about the manufacturers of the city, and that involve members of the Radio Theater Voices Company executing dramatized passages in the narrative of the stories. Another series which deals with the scripting was "El Inspector Hamilton", which it issued a total of 110 episodes between 1956 and 1958 and, in its main role was starred by actor Ramon Bravo.

In 1957, he left Radio Terrassa, but in fact it continued for some time due to the associated relationship with some of the station's advertising clients.

Besides the radio activity is also known to have written a script version of the traditional "Pastorets". Like "Lluquet i Rovelló" by Josep Maria Folch i Torres, Izquierdo wrote "Ganàpia i Cigronet", which began in 1946 to represent the "Casal de Joves de Sant Pere", and still today, is being representative of the this entity.



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    "The mousetrap", theater drama script by'Agatha Christie, was originally written as a radio theater script called 'Three blind mice' by herself in 1947, as a birthday gift fon Queen Mary Victory.
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    Earlier Radio Theater plays, issued at the early 1920's, were theater scripts played on a conventional stage in which superimposed the voice of a narrator explaining on radio all that was not appreciated only with the ears .

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    In 1961, Spanish Radio and TV Gemeral Management Office thought that seven Lorca's scripts were 'not allowed for broadcasting' because its content and were forbiden until 1977. Some of those scripts were rhe three gold Lorca pieces: 'Yerma', 'Bodas de sangre' and 'La casa de Bernarda Alba'.

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    "Taxi Key", the popular radio drama series which starred Ricardo Palmerola and Isidre Sola in Radio Barcelona, began airing in 1948 and was on the air until middle 70's.
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    Orson Welles founded "The Mercury Theatre on the Air" in July 1938, together with John Houseman, as a company to play radio drama scripts which adapted by himself.
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    To simulate the sound effect of a shower can be achieved by slowly pouring a bag of rice in a plastic container.

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    To simulate the sound effect ticking of a clock, we can achieve if we roll a pencil between our hands with a ring on one finger.

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