Born in Terrassa in 1961, and coming from the side stage theater began to Radio Theater in 1983 after reactivating Radio Drama Company. Since then, he has participated in such works as "Don Juan Tenorio" by José Zorrilla, "El burlador de Sevilla y el convidado de piedra" Miguel Tirso de Molina, "El pobre viudo" by Santiago Rusiñol, "L'Hostal de la Glòria "by Josep Maria Sagarra, "El mercader de Venècia" by William Shakespeare, or "Estricta vigilància" by Jean Genet.
At the top of the slope theater stages, he has a long history since 1973, started doing theater school. Since then integrated into different artistic casts, either Terrassa, like "Casal de Sant Pere", "El Social", and "Amics de les Arts", or Barcelona as "Espai La Casona" and "Cincómonos", he has conducted numerous representations such as "¿Quién teme a Virginia Woolf?" by Edward Albee, "Follia d'amor" by Sam Lephard, "Frank V" by Friedrich Dürrenmatt, "Antigone" by Sophocles, "Llama un inspector" by John B. Priestley, or "Don Juan Tenorio" by José Zorrilla.
Currently, he combines the stage direction that has been developing since 2001 at "Amics de les Arts", with his participation with "Quadre de Veus de Radioteatre" that make Radio Theater productions at the 95.2 Radio, the station of Terrassa.