Born in El Soleràs (Lleida) in 1944, he started theaterical activity very young belonging to Theater Staff from "Centre Social Catòlic" (nowadays "Centre Cultural El Social"), and he performed a huge list of theater scripts like "El suïcida", "Revolta de Bruixes", La filla del carmesí", "Les vinyes del Priorat", "Don Juan Tenorio", "Distret, però no tant", "Madame Verdux", "Joc de nens", "Armando Gresca", and many more. Moreover, he had been performing for fourteen years in "Els Pastorets" and he acted as director for six years. For a few years, he tooks part of "Ràdio Nadal", a radio station about Chistmas content spreading that the entity started every year on Xmas days. He was director of "Noticies Pastorils" a program about "Pastorets" news.
Since 2010, when he took part of Quadre de Veus de Radioteatre for performing "Dotze homes sense pietat", he has becomed a regular actor of group. Since then he has performed several cast in "Del pont estant", "Romeo y Julieta", "Casa de nines", "Tres ratones ciegos", "Terra baixa", and others ones.
At rthe same time he takes part of RadioTheater Cast Voices performances, he plays as an actor with "Social Teatre" and "Grup Teatral Egarenc" groups.
Robert Rué die on August 2024 leaving a long path and fingerprint in many artistical forms.