Born in Manresa in 1946, at the age of eight, he debuted in a musical comedy and since then begins to participate in different assemblies as part of different theatrical casts. For work reasons, in the late 1960s, he settled in Palma de Mallorca. There he combines his professional activity with the follow-up of theatrical studies at the EBAD (Escola Balear d’Art Dramàtic), and in 1976, already back to Barcelona, ​​he obtain the professional actor card. Since then, his artistic activity is multiplied and participates in theatrical performances of small and large format, in addition to radio theater, zarzuela and varieties, cinema and voice acting, or choral singing, among others.


On the theatrical side, between 1979 and 1989, he takes part of the cast of the ‘Companyia de Teatre La Trepa’, with which he performs several performances. On the occasion of the XXI anniversary of the company, in 1999 he also participates in the reprise of ‘Mixu, el gat que duia botes’, with tours throughout Spain, País Valencià,Balearic Islands and Andorra.

As stage director, he is responsible for the staging of different montages represented both during he stay in Palma, also in Barcelona, ​​and especially in Manresa and the Bages region.

In the middle 90s, he collaborates with the ‘Casa Elizalde’ and the ‘Casa Golferichs’ in Barcelona, ​​taking charge of the teaching work in the Theater Classroom of both organisations.


Regarding the audiovisual aspect, he has different experiences. In the radio medium, he participates as an actor, screenwriter, adapter, director and technician in different radio stations and projects, such as ‘COPE Radio Castellet’; ‘Ràdio Popular de Mallorca’ and ‘Ràdio Joventut de Mallorca’; ‘Radio Arte’; ‘Catalunya Ràdio’ and ‘Catalunya Cultura’; and currently with our cast of actors.

In voice acting, he works as a cast actor for eleven years, giving voice to different productions in both Catalan and Spanish.

He also collaborates in different scripts of shows and audiovisuals, such as ‘Eureka!’ Or ‘La via Làctia’, where he puts the voice to the Catalan versions; the puppet show ‘El Cau de l’Unicorn’; or the ‘Paleta d’ocres’ projections in Valencia, and ‘Amics de l’Art Romànic’ in Manresa.

As a musical editor, he is responsible for putting soundtrack to numerous shows, theater productions and radio productions both in Mallorca and Catalonia.


Dramatic and audiovisual aspects aside, his activity is completed with other activities; such as rhapsodist, both in Catalan and in Spanish; translator of scripts from Spanish to Catalan; the choral song, belonging to the ‘Czarda’ corals of Sant Joan de Vilatorrada and the ‘Coral of the UPC’ of Terrassa; or as secretary of the Mallorcan actress and writer Catalina Valls i Aguiló during her years of stay in Mallorca.


Throughout his artistic career, he obtains different awards and recognitions. With the theater group 'El Triangle', in 1993 he won the award for best supporting actor with the play 'Allò que tal vegada s'esdevingué', and the best soundtrack for 'El diari d'Anna Frank' in 1997, and 'La barca sense pescador' in 2005. With the ACR of Fals, he receives the award for the second best supporting actor for his work in 'Ens trobarem ... a l'apartament' in 2011.


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    Earlier Radio Theater plays, issued at the early 1920's, were theater scripts played on a conventional stage in which superimposed the voice of a narrator explaining on radio all that was not appreciated only with the ears .

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