Born in Terrassa in 1967. In twenty years, and invited by a friend, he was introduced into the world of radio with participation in different areas of nature and musical comedy broadcast on "Radio Tropic" and "Matadepera Radio", where he developed both tasks like speech of technical achievement, and among them stands out, for example, the site "Hem perdut el Nord."
In 1995, he began interest in the performing arts theater and he began to participate in the performances of the Theatre Group of "Casal de Sant Pere" de Terrassa. Shortly after he beginning operations theater on stage, Joan Garrigó director of Voices of "Quadre de Vaus de Radioteatre", which then belonged to Radio Terrassa, invited him to start in the theatrical aspect radio. Since then, he has combined the two hobbies and he has participated in numerous performances, both on stage and on the radio, on Radio Terrassa, first, and currently the 95.2 Radio.
As for the theater stage, he has been linked to the "Casal de Sant Pere", first, and later, the group "Llavor d'Art" in El Pla delPenedès. Among the works are represented, there is "La corona d'espines" by Josep Maria Sagarra, "Dona Rosita la soltera" by Federico Garcia Lorca and "Assassinat a la catedral" by TS Eliot. Regarding the radio theater activity in include "Bodas de Sangre" by Federico Garcia Lorca and "La sentencia se cumplirá a las doce" a dramatic script created in the fifties, especially for radio by legendary writers of "Teatro Invisible" in Radio Nacional de España, Juan Manuel Soriano and Ramon Vaccaro, and it was live performed in "Teatre Alegria" de Terrassa on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Radio Terrassa. The staging, which kept the expectant audience throughout the performance, and the success that was achieved that night are now still today remains in memory.
He is currently separated from the participation of all theatrical activity on stage, but he appears quite regularly in performances of "Quadre de Veus de Radioteatre" that plays its monthly production last Saturday of each month at the 95.2 Radio.
Eudald de Bellpuig in La corona d'espines by Josep Maria de Sagarra