Joan Salvador, actor del Quadre de Veus de Radioteatre

Born in Terrassa, on January, 2nd 1965, he is an actor and theater director linked to the cast of "Centre Cultural El Social (formerly Centre Social Catòlic)" since 1980. He is currently responsible for the theater section of this entity, which he has written two books (Terra, S.A. i Cel i Terra). and he has directed a dozen of works, and there are indeed acting in more than forty assemblies in both Catalan and Spanish. Also he takes part of the cast of Art Forum, another group he has performed on stage shows poetry basically. Between 1988 and 1992 he was part of the Spanish Ballet-Sun in Terrassa.

In the field of radio, he made several radio programs in Matadepera Radio over a period of four years, among them own program related to theater and film. Since the beginning of the second stage of "Quadre de Veus de Radioteatre" in the early 1980's, he has participated as an actor in over forty productions.

He has made ​​small inroads into the professional area in TV3. He has taken part in ads, sketches in a program presented by Lloll Betran, and a small role in the series Poble Nou

Don Juan, el Tenorio by Zorrilla


  • Did you know ...?

    To simulate the sound effect ticking of a clock, we can achieve if we roll a pencil between our hands with a ring on one finger.

  • Did you know ...?

    In 1961, Spanish Radio and TV Gemeral Management Office thought that seven Lorca's scripts were 'not allowed for broadcasting' because its content and were forbiden until 1977. Some of those scripts were rhe three gold Lorca pieces: 'Yerma', 'Bodas de sangre' and 'La casa de Bernarda Alba'.

  • Did you know ...?

    "The mousetrap", theater drama script by'Agatha Christie, was originally written as a radio theater script called 'Three blind mice' by herself in 1947, as a birthday gift fon Queen Mary Victory.
  • Did you know ...?

    To simulate the sound effect of a shower can be achieved by slowly pouring a bag of rice in a plastic container.

  • Did you know ...?

    Earlier Radio Theater plays, issued at the early 1920's, were theater scripts played on a conventional stage in which superimposed the voice of a narrator explaining on radio all that was not appreciated only with the ears .

  • Did you know ...?

    Orson Welles founded "The Mercury Theatre on the Air" in July 1938, together with John Houseman, as a company to play radio drama scripts which adapted by himself.
  • Did you know ...?

    "Taxi Key", the popular radio drama series which starred Ricardo Palmerola and Isidre Sola in Radio Barcelona, began airing in 1948 and was on the air until middle 70's.

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