Actor of "Quadre de Veus de Radioteatre" since the 1990's and linked to the theater section of the "Centre Cultural El Social (antes Centre Social Catòlic)" with which he has taken part in numerous performances on stage and has directed several stage productions . These highlights, especially "Anònim Venecià" by Giuseppe Berto and translated by Joan Oliver, in which, besides acting, working direction, and obtained excellent results, and, indeed, later, would be carried to air by "Quadre de Veus de Radioteatre". Currently he carries out its work with the theater group in "Santa Creu" in Terrassa.
Did you know ...?
Earlier Radio Theater plays, issued at the early 1920's, were theater scripts played on a conventional stage in which superimposed the voice of a narrator explaining on radio all that was not appreciated only with the ears .