On Sunday, December, 27th, on L'Ateneu Terrassenc auditorim, was played second edition of "Vetllada Nadalenca" with part of"Quadre de Veus de Radioteatre" and "Cor Dríade". The show combines "El Pessebre" by Joan Alavedra and "El Poema de Nadal" by Josep Maria de Sagarra poetry reading played by actors from Radio Theater Voices Staff directed by de Joan Garrigó and Christmas songs from all over the world by Dríade Voices directed by Lluís Yera. This activity has been scheduled in L'Ateneu Christmas Program filled up again Ateneu Auditorium as the same way as last year.The public has enjoyed for almost an hour of a show specially designed to bring the magic and spirit of Christmas to all attendess.
Courtesy of Maria Rosa Raspall