Due to a special Christmas programming, COM Radiostations network has scheduled two radio theater plays broadcasting produced by "Quadre de Veus de la 95.2 Radio" which will be broadcasted on all network radio stations simultaneously.
Two radio plays choosen are "Quatre dones i el Sol" (Four women and the Sun) by Jordi Pere Cerdà and "L'assassinat de la Senyora Abril" (The murder of Mrs April) by Josep Maria de Sagarra, both recently broadcasted on 95.2 Ràdio on locale range.
"Quatre dones i el Sol" will be broadcasted at 4 pm on Christmas Day, and "L'assassinat de la Senyora Abril" will be broadcasted at the same time on New Year's Day. If you don't know them yet or you want to listen them again, We invite you to listen those plays.