The "Quadre de Veus de Radioteatre de la 95.2 Ràdio" (Radio Theater Scenic Company at 95.2 Radio) held a meeting due to the third radio theater regular season starting at Terrassa Municipal Radio station.
The event, which took place in the restaurant "La Tosta de laTieta" Vapor Gran, attended almost all of the thirty current components that make up the group of actors and actresses. In addition, also attended by Mr. Amadeu Aguado, Councillor for Culture of the City of Terrassa, who highlighted the spirit to keep alive a tradition within the last century, an almost unprecedented in Europe.
Meanwhile, Joan Garrigó and Ismael Majó, current directors of the group, highlighted the path cast of actors and actresses who, each month, put on the air a play.
Apart from "Bodas de sangre" (Blood Wedding) the play that started the regular season on Saturday September 29th, Radio Theater Scenic Company is preparing new adaptations of plays from different genres that will be issued until end of season. Among them are "Terra Baixa" (Lowland) by Angel Guimera, "La Guerra de los Mundos" (War of the Worlds) by H.G. Wells, or a version of Bram Stoker's novel "Dracula".