In the 50s, it was common for many famous people to visit Ràdio Terrassa. One of these visits was that of the writer, screenwriter and actress Cecília A. Màntua, who in 1954, July, 7th visited the station and participated in the broadcast of her most popular work, '' La Pepa Maca '', playing the main role alongside the actors of Compañia Titular de Comedias. Màntua left written testimony in the Guest Book.
'Noticiario de Radio Terrassa', in the autumn edition of 1954, reproduced the words of Cecíla A. Màntua as well as those of other personalities from the artistic world who visited the station that same year, such as the writer Lluïsa Forrellad, the actress Aurora Bautista, the stage director Cayetano Luca de Tena, or the soprano Maria Fábregas.