Thursday, June, 28th 2.012
Proclamation and Awards Ceremony of literary contest:
21st Ferran Canyameres Novel Award
24th Short Stories Ferran Canyameres Award
18th Maria Rovira Award
11th M. Montserrat Oller Award
8th Enric Gall Poetry Award for authors above 60 years
Showing by "Quadre de Veus de Ràdioteatre de la 95.2 Ràdio", directed by Ismael Majó and Joan Garrigó, of pieces from the novel
"Miracles perversos"
by Carme Torras
the winner of 20th Ferran Canyameres Novel Award, in a radio adaption by Mr. Miquel Massaguer
In Nova Jazz Cava, Ptge. Tete Montoliu s/n, de Terrassa.